Students benefit socially and educationally from participating in out-of-class experiences. Participating in an outdoor trip or attending a student-led conference creates memories, builds real life skills, and connects students in community. Many opportunities are free or offer waivers for fees, but Student and Campus Life aims to expand this support, so that all students can benefit from the full Seattle University experience.
A gift to this fund will underwrite a student’s ability to take time off from an off-campus job, pay for childcare, or cover transportation costs to participate in meaningful campus opportunities. For many students, $100 can make all the difference between participating in a student club, attending Search Retreat, or leading a student initiative.
By supplementing their resources with a Leadership Grant, we make access to out-of-the-classroom experiences more widely available to all students regardless of their financial status. Furthermore, our campus community will benefit from the diverse skills, gifts and experiences these students bring to every space.
Student Leadership Grants Challenge
25 gifts to Student Leadership Grants unlocks an additional $15,000 thanks to the Kennedy Ries Family Foundation.
Track the progress of this and many other challenges here!